In a very typically Ashley Fashion, I worked very hard on my project, am finished with it early, and am very happy with it. The problem? Also in typical Ashley Fashion my family all thought I was crazy when explaining what I was doing. The look  my mother gave me reminded me I need to explain what this “thing” is. It’s not just an arts and craft project… I’m actually counting on Nell understanding it to get a good grade. Sigh… Too bad there isn’t a way to give Nell a separate piece of paper explaining what I was doing. So yay for the justification that does that! But then I go to write it and realize I sound daft.

So here I am trying to justify something I’m proud of, but doesn’t look like a traditional college project, and I’m panicked that I sound like I don’t know what I’m doing. If anyone has done their justification, or has any advice? This was supposed to be the easy part… sigh…